Get to know about the founder of IGBOH and what’s inspired him.
IGBOH is a Toronto-based company focused on creating safe and healthy products to support the lifestyles of working professionals, pet owners, and those who care for the environment. Designed for and by cannabis users who do not want to use products full of harmful chemicals. Igboh is organic and safe for customers with asthma. Keep your home or work space smelling fresh with our air fresheners, available in citrus and lavender scents.
Inneh was raised to believe cannabis was a bane to humanity, and believed it until he found himself working through a divorce and depression and tried smoking for the first time. He found that cannabis helped him process his emotions and begin healing. To this day he finds smoking, in his own words, “stimulating”, and he started the IGBOH brand to dispel negative stereotypes associated with cannabis and to share the joy of this lifestyle. His health-concious and eco-friendly principles are the basis for IGBOH’s approach to product development: everything must be healthy and safe for the planet. After a year of researching various combinations of natural ingredients, he developed the air freshener products he now shares with the world, and is laying the groundwork for the future of IGBOH, bringing together the professionalism he’s practiced throughout his life with the lifestyle of cannabis consumers.